Inspirations Explorations


After exploring various inspirations and delving deeper into the topic of typography, I realized that fonts and their creative possibilities offer a profound and intricate area of focus. Rather than merely skimming the surface of multiple topics, I’ve decided to narrow my scope and concentrate on typography and pattern generation.

This shift aligns with my interests in generating patterns and experimenting with font manipulations, allowing me to explore these areas in greater depth.

Redefined Research Question:

How can I create a tool that focuses on procedural typography, font manipulation, and grid systems to experiment with font creation and visual effects?

"How can I create a tool"

  • project is about building a functional, interactive tool, not just creating standalone artworks
  • both technical implementation (coding, UI/UX) and creative exploration are important

"Procedural Typography"

  • typography generated algorithmically, where fonts or letterforms are created with rules and code.
  • How Can I create fonts from scratch using generative techniques?
  • How code can produce distinct and artistic letterf

"Grid Systems"

  • Structuring fonts or patterns within procedural grids, to create dynamic layouts or patterns.
  • Generating visual effects through randomized grid transformations
  • Developing grids that are flexible and dynamic but still serve as a cohesive design framework.

These images are a collection of inspirations I found on Pinterest. They serve as a visual reference for my creative process and exploration. All rights to these works belong to their original creators, and they are shared here purely for inspiration and educational purposes.

I’m particularly drawn to the playful use of grids and fonts, the incorporation of irregular and fluid shapes, and the pixelated aesthetics.

Style board 1

Style board 2

Style board 3